
This girl looks similar and reminds me a LOT of Tammy! Small head, big
ears, big mouth....really cute and the scary thing is she has the EXACT
SAME DEVIOUS LAUGH AS TAMMY. It's very funny to me. I told her we should
get her and Tammy together for a video. She was down for it. She is
here in California from another (very RELIGIOUS) state. Thank God for
religious states :) Although relatively new to the biz she is ready for
ANYTHING.....just outright nasty I think, but cute. Isn't that the BEST
type of girl? Dirty AND sweet? :) (Too bad Tammy isn't nasty ha ha) Her
face was also very rubbery and she liked to contort into many

I shot three solid explicit sets on her including a toy set with "big
blue" and video of the toy shoot.

- Matt

  • None at the moment